Early civilizations laid the cornerstone for modern science by the observation of natural phenomena and the art of deductive reasoning. Along the way tools were developed to help the thinkers of each age better deal with the data and problems that they found. These tools included mathematics and rules of scientific validation. Armed with these intellectual tools the basic sciences grew into specialized branches, a process of further branching that continues even today. Science grew to the point where rather than just being content with explaining natural phenomena they have gone on to predict and realize knowledge by theorizing. At some point we have to wonder is nature the focal point of science anymore or is science rewriting reality?
Early science was obsessed with understanding our physical world. At some point in our history Man became discontent with merely understanding how our world worked, he now wanted to master it. We’ve called this point in history the ˜Industrial Age”. Science, and its loud illegitimate children, “industry” and ˜commerce” were supposed to make our lives easier. Noble sentiment indeed, and it might have worked if everything exclusive of each and every scientific and industrial advancement had remained constant in the world. That’s not what happened, ideas are like stones thrown into a pond. The ripples spread out and bounce off the shoreline all over. The industrial age signaled the start of the first of many ripples that spread literally around the world with the end result of accelerated social change. The historical translations for “change” might be more like “social unrest”, or ˜war”. We now live in a world of accelerating change. Think of it like overlapping waves of social reaction and consequence coming at us from all directions. What we are experiencing around the world are traditional industries and ways of life becoming obsolete and workforces displaced and replaced. There is a growing rise in provincialism, localism, and protest to change. World societies are anguishing over the disappearance of their languages and assimilation into a world culture.
I have to ask myself, if science and its consequences had some part in the formation of today’s world then could a change in the application and direction of science remake the world into something more understandable and sustainable? Where is the balance in science? Is science driving social change or have we triggered a worldwide stampede? What if we had some guidelines to follow, some principles that we could marry to science?
You may well protest at this point; Why add more rules to a body of knowledge obsessed with cataloging rules? Fair enough, but consider this; men of science, religion, and spirituality have long delved into the fundamental construct of the universe. Their great accomplishment was a general agreement, amongst all their findings, of Universal Laws that run the universe in harmony and balance. Furthermore, these same laws are scalable from the cosmic level to the human level and right down to the smallest level imaginable. If the sciences of today could align themselves with these same Laws then what affect would that have upon the world?
If the consequent ripples of aligned science (yes, I coined the phrase) are in harmony with the same principles that operate on a human scale, then what sort of social condition could we create?
Let’s take a stab at it. Depending upon the background and viewpoint of the researcher, be they scientific, religious, or spiritual, the number of Laws governing the universe vary. But there is a large amount of overlap. You can study yourself the l2 Laws of the Universe, or the 20 Laws of the Universe, or the 7 Spiritual Laws. There’s more, since different cultures have their own viewpoint and historical context for explaining the same thing, but this will do for now. How can we align Universal Laws with science, or in effect how can we balance science? Here is just a sampling of the Laws and my interpretation of them.
The Law of Divine Oneness
Everything is connected to everything else and affects everything else. We are all in this together. The consequences of science (and its offspring) have to be considered for several generations into the future. We have to get into the habit of considering our descendants.
The Law of Balance
Everything in the universe has a dual nature. (positive-negative, yin-yang) Whatever we create arrives with equal potential for good and bad. Just consider a handgun and you get my meaning. That’s if we create with our minds (science). If we create with our hearts, as a Yogi Master might say, we can avoid this duality.
Law of Karma
Cause and effect. Everything in the universe has a circular vibration and whatever you do, be it good or bad, its consequences will come back to you.
However, higher vibration, thought, and action will undo the effects of lower vibration, thought, and action. In simple language, if we fix our screw-ups, than the overall the vibration of the world will raise to a higher level and better quality of existence. OK maybe not so simple but you get the idea.
Again we have to consider if our actions and their underlying motives are compatible with the greater good of the world.
The Law of Manifestation
If the world, our reality, is the condensation of our thoughts and emotions than we have, it is implied, the inherent ability to change our world through correct thoughts, beliefs and actions. Its important to note that thoughts come first as they are the higher vibration.
Each of these laws is worthy of a separate article but just consider this; if science were to align with them could we achieve balance? And, would the consequent social ripples from such an alignment be more benevolent than what we are seeing today?
Sincerely Yours In balance